Product catalog with overview
A product catalog that gives customers an overview of the vehicles, tools and services that Stevns Entreprenørservice offers, has been a wish to have as a give away for a long time.
The catalog should not just be a list of their vehicles and machines, but should contain information about size, features and ranges - information that is relevant to the construction sites when searching for the exact vehicles or machine they need. This meant that we had to find and edit a large number of drawings that just showed the height, depth, length and range of the machines. In addition, the catalog contains a number of factual information about the individual machines, so you have the information at your fingertips.
The catalog has been published as a book and also made available online as a pdf.
The line drawings required extra work - they came from the supplier of the machines, but we have adapted numbers and drawings so that they appear more uniform; the pictures were to be found either at the company importing them to Denmark or by taken pictures of their own machines. We have been compiling data together, adapted and developed the drawings, as well as creating the design for the entire catalog including layout and completion.
The finished result is beautiful and comprehensive. I hope their customers will be happy to work with the catalog.