Only a short list of the assignments we have made during the last years. Click on the categories to show only references within the selected category.

View all Design Graphic Logo Website

A website for an organization that supports and helps local businesses in Crawley and Gatwick - typically members are shops, restaurants, bars and the like.
The style of the publication is based on previous designs but with a clear different colour scheme in addition to more text. The colours in this publication are based on the Danish Energy Agency's colour spectra.
The musical Defining Dr Minor tells the story of an American military doctor who, in a fit of madness, accidentally killed a person in London in 1872 and came to mean a great deal to The Oxford English Dictionary.
Sometimes it's more important to keep it simple than anything else. Keeping it simple promotes the message and keeps focus on what you offer and can solve for your customers. A site that answers the very basics; what do we offer you?
Do you have control over the security and protection of the files and data stored behind a login on your website? Surprisingly many do not. I build websites that are secure and where documents can be truly secured.

In these times of corona virus, many things are different than usual. If you are an artist, composer and writer who has written, composed and developed a musical, it is extra difficult because so many theatres are either closed or waiting for better days to set up new plays.

The Space Office has developed a partnership program, which is divided into two areas; Companies within space research and development as well as the field of education.
Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education has worked on creating partnerships that connect Danish companies better together so Danish research in space can be strengthened.
We call it Partnership in Space-related Education. The purpose is to help the individual unit to access new projects, become part of larger projects or develop their own research through cross-collaboration.
The center is marked with a cross, as showed on an old chart where the treasure is buried. In our logo, the cross indicates that with the selection offered, there are many treasures to be found at Centrum Beslag.
A design of a presentation that show the world that we are doing this tender in a modern way in Denmark - included a wide format presentation, a high format presentation, an invitation and roll ups.
This book have only been released in Danish. It is about how modern businesses needs to be more focused on customers and how reaction and problem solving is very important today.
The 'Smart Web system' also allows you to add new pages that can be dynamically built up according to need and desire - and in a way that you can do it yourself.
We have developed a website that is both easy to navigate and divided so that you can easily find what you are looking for. Focus has been on creating an online presentation that can be developed and grown as needed.
A 3 x 3.5 meter banner hung up on the wall inside the new post terminal, which will help everyone succeed with the workplace vision.
It is about connections - whether it is between people and companies, or whether it is between networks and equipment - and that is precisely why the logo got its design. Connections create results and the imaginary circle indicates a full coverage mix.
The assignment: Create a logo that communicates skills within consulting, courses and lectures, and who will tie the company together. A company that caters to business and organizational customers and families alike.
The drawing show that as an authority in Denmark they want to make it easy for private companies to participate in large scale tenders.
A graphical representation of the services offered. The graphics are made so that it can be used both on the company website, but also on print and the social media.
The graphics made in connection with a text around the GDPR, where the client wanted to show that there is more to GDPR than most people think.
Biltilbehø is a popular webshop for accessories for cars, trucks, tractors and buses that focus on both a strong price, large selection and you have the opportunity to get personalized service and help with your purchases.
CMC Denmark changes the organization, which, based on the CMC network, opens up for others. They now call themselves 'Connecting Management Consultants', and here is their new logo.
Graphs are a natural part of any statistic. We focused on making them simpler visually and easier to read; more info-graphics were also developed for this assignment.
Denmark's space statistics collects information and gives an overview of the development for the space industry in Denmark. There is a strong focus on the Danish companies.
A product catalog of their vehicle rentals, containing information about size, functions and ranges - information relevant to construction sites when their customer needs to find the correct machine for a job.
A small series was made, where the graphics were used instead of the traditional photo of the people.
Design and layout of the strategy for cyber and information security within the energy sector was kept simple and using colors to help create coherence and separate topics at the same time.
The city, which is visited by many thousands of tourists in the summer, has a shop with visual glass and handicraft - and it has a logo inspired by the sun setting, the seagulls on the harbor and the coastline, because the coast is a very large part of the city.
eyedrone needed a logo that could help them be remembered and that would set them apart from the competition - judge yourself.
The ambition is to strengthen knowledge sharing and learn from each other's experiences across a broad comb, to ensure the continued development of wind energy in Europe.